The Last of Us – HBO Max


The new series “The Last of Us” was based on a Playstation game with the same title. Although I did not play this game when it came out, I did hear about it, as well as the many awards it won when it first came out. The Last of Us follows two characters, Joel and Ellie who lives in a post-apocalyptic world where fungi are now about to take control of humans, turning them into zombie like creatures. So when beginning to watch this show I had some idea what the show would be about. But when starting the first episode, the first 10-20 minutes of the show got me hooked. Not only was the show overall great, but there was already a huge fanbase because of the game, and the show did not disappoint either. The attention to detail was very amazing, the details were so precise that not only did they get the clothing and actors that look similar to the characters, but they even got animations from the game to the actual show, like making the character check their inventory. But within the first couple of episodes, the show focused on the main character, Joel, and how he lived after the breakout of the pandemic, and not only was his story very thoroughly told but even characters that don’t make another appearance are also told very well. To the point where it leaves the audience wanting more from these characters. Each episode is a small story that has a big impact on the story of the main characters making everyone connect and feel for these characters making this show even better since each episode leaves the audience wanting another episode right after it.