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Self Assessment Paper

Throughout this English course, there were many takeaways that allowed me to gain further knowledge when it comes to analyzing text with a much deeper understanding, as well as implementing new techniques that can help my writing to be improved. Within this course, there are 5-course outcomes to see whether or not the students within this course could accomplish everything that is entirely taught. These learning outcomes include, “acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources, and draw on those resources to develop rhetorical sensibility”(1), “enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment”(2), “negotiate your own writing goals and audience expectations regarding conventions of genre, medium, and rhetorical situation”(3), “develop and engage in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes”(4), and finally “engage in genre analysis and multimodal composing to explore effective writing across disciplinary contexts and beyond”(5). With all the readings and writing that each one of us had to create, we the students were given many tools to find better ways to create a better form of writing whether it is from reading other writing, simply asking for help, or even working with each other. But everyone was able to achieve these learning outcomes in different ways. 

When it comes to the very first learning outcome, everyone learns at a different pace, some might have a clearer understanding of the material than others, but it also allows others to learn from their differences as well. Since others might have a different form of writing, it also allows there to be a mutual understanding of learning from each other, which could help improve upon creating our very own idea when it comes to a writing topic. Since most of our work tends to be a topic that the student themselves wants to explore we must be able to find a logical thesis to start it off and allow us to learn from each other based on our differences. When it comes to the second learning outcome, it correlates to the many readings and activities that we took part in during this curriculum. Within this course we the students went through many readings from various authors with different writing styles, it allowed many to be able to understand these writing forms, and being able to analyze them regardless of it. One example can be the use of the Berger reading, although it was not the same language that is being used today, my classmates and I were able to use his words by analyzing the text, due to past experience within this course with past readings. This overall helped us enhance the necessary skills within this outcome as well as guidance to find any other way to help improve our writing. When it comes to the third learning outcome in this course, everyone at the beginning of this curriculum made a personal goal on where we wanted our writing to be, which then came into play when we wrote about our thesis that we made per assignment. One assignment that comes to mind was the art assignment, where we all had to make a thesis based on a piece of artwork that each one of us personally chose. After choosing what we want to write about, we have to make sure that the audience does not get confused about what exactly we want to address when it comes to our writing, such as the topic and argument. Each of us needs to have this in mind since not only would it help improve the writing goal from the beginning but as well as any other new goal that we may have in the future. The fourth learning outcome is reliability to my fellow classmates and their ideas when it comes to our writing. Throughout this course, we were given many opportunities when it comes to discuss a piece of writing we have read, or even discuss ideas for upcoming assignments. But due to this, I was able to narrow down certain topics that I wanted to research, allowing me to have a better understanding of not only what I wanted to write about but as well as any confusion I may have with the assignment itself. One instance of this can be during the production of our first assignment that is based on a part of our personal lives, we had to find one experience/memory that we can write about. We were then placed in multiple groups and this allowed us to narrow what we want to talk about and whether our original idea would be the best fit to write about. However, this does not only benefit me, I am also able to share ideas with my fellow classmates that may not have a clear topic that they would want to research, allowing them to be able to create their own writing with any feedback that I or someone else would have given them. When it comes to the last learning outcome, it can be tied to the rest, since we read multiple pieces of literature, which allows us to explore many forms of writing and engage with them by either analyzing them or going into a full discussion about how we can implement these ideas into our own writing. I believe that I myself do have progress when it comes to each of these learning outcomes, however, I will say I have not fully mastered them since there is still a lot that I myself need to work on to improve my writing.